Complete profile of Ricardo Kaka

Posted by Nita Aguero Novheza On 7:20 PM
Besides the clever play on the gridiron, kaka is also renowned as one of the few footballers who relegius (pious). but the man born berazil twenty-eight years ago the famous relegius this ever stumble problem, where kaka accused of embezzling money a church Envangelis church leaders in Brazil but it was embezzling the money.
Complete profile of Ricardo Kaka

Complete profile of Ricardo Kaka

This handsome players of the world is not a suspect in the embezzlement case ini.Tetapi the court has requested a statement on the matter. then the media reported that it was the church leaders who use the church's funds, and most only for his own benefit, such as buying a house and stables horse farms.

As a result of the action that is both head of the church and Sonia Haddad Estevam Hernandes have languished in jail for five months. besides, they are also accused of embezzling more unag for 56 thousand dollars.

After the allegations are not proven to Kaka, he was acquitted. Kaka was actually a great thing it is the donors who donated the money from the game to the Evangelical church is even money that he donated has reached fantastic.

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